Australia Represented at Young Chef Olympiad

Emma Cook and the Australian Flag
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Australia Represented at Young Chef Olympiad

She kindly wrote us the below thank you note:

Dear Carroll and Richardson Flagworld,

As you know I represented Australia and Box Hill Tafe in the 3rd Young Chef Olympiad 2017, held in India.

You generously gave me 2 amazing Australian flags for display during the competition.

I am proud to say that of the 45 countries to compete in the Olympiad I was not only the youngest competitor to ever compete, but the first Australian to make the final top ten round. It was an exhausting challenge and made that much more achievable, by the kind, and generous support from you.

I can't thank you enough. It was an honour to carry our Australian flag made by you, thank you 

Your sincerely 

Emma Cook

Congratulations Emma on your fantastic achievement and representing Australia in this way!

Emma Cook